You are known to God and He takes a lot of interest in you.  He loves you.  You are loved by God Almighty who you may not even know.  His love for you is immense and unfailing, it is constant and exists regardless of the person who you are or what you have done.

God knows all about you.  He sees every aspect of your life and knows all of your thoughts.

God is not distant, in fact He wants to have an ongoing, personal relationship with you where He speaks with you and you with Him, where you do life together, where you allow Him to influence your decisions, character and actions, and where you mature in your understanding of God and becoming like Him.

He created you to know Him and there is a place within your inner being that only He can fill.

He created you to be a person of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control; to have abundant life; and to have deep seated unwavering contentment.

God created you with a free will, an ability to choose to have a relationship with God or not.  You can choose to ignore God and live life based on your own self-sufficiency and capability i.e. doing life your own way without God, or you can choose to know and have a relationship with God and allow God to influence you.

Your choice has significant ramifications.  What you choose impacts on where you spend eternity – together with God or separated from God forever.

This life on earth is only part of the life that you are created for.

God loves you and wants to have a personal relationship with you.  Will you choose to seek and know God?

Categories: Seeking God


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