The Barrier to Knowing God

God loves you and wants to have a personal relationship with you. However, there is a problem, there is a huge barrier to knowing God.  God is holy, perfect, pure, righteous, without any form of wrong or evil. We on the other hand, are selfish and naturally sinful – gravitating Read more…

A Personal Loving God

You are known to God and He takes a lot of interest in you.  He loves you.  You are loved by God Almighty who you may not even know.  His love for you is immense and unfailing, it is constant and exists regardless of the person who you are or Read more…

God Our Creator

We are created by God. The commencement and sustenance of our breath, our life comes from God. The Bible starts by telling us about creation.  The first verse of the Bible states In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1). The creation account goes on to describe how Read more…