Fear or Peace in Adversity

These words of wisdom are from a book in the Old Testament of the Bible called Isaiah. Written many many years ago, they perfectly describe the human journey. Although addressed to women, they are also applicable to men. Isaiah 32:9-20. You women who are so complacent, rise up and listen Read more…

God Knows You

Psalm 139, one of the Psalms of the Bible beautifully explains how intimately God knows you. Psalms are short poems or songs that describe elements of God’s nature, His dealings with mankind and examples of human responses to God. One of the lovely things about this Psalm is that there Read more…

God’s Spirit

As we saw in the post about the Existence of God, God is uniquely three simultaneous, co-existing persons in one – the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. Consistent with the character of God, the Holy Spirit is God (Acts 5:3-4), is eternal (Hebrews 9:14), is everywhere Read more…

Spiritual Thirst

We have all had times when we have been thirsty – that feeling when we need a drink, which becomes more pronounced and urgent when we don’t have immediate access to water or another drinkable substance. We salivate, longing for a drink. Our thirst is quenched when we are able Read more…