The Identity of Jesus

All four gospel narratives in the New Testament collectively tell the story of Jesus, co-presenting the identity of the earthly Jesus with the divine and exalted Jesus. The following is a summary of the identity of Jesus presented in each of the gospels. Matthew   Addressed to a predominantly Jewish audience, Read more…


Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Corinthians 3:17). We are all slaves…slaves to our mind, body and soul that compares, judges, envies, is boastful, proud, self-seeking, ungrateful, unforgiving, resentful…the list goes on…(2 Timothy 3:1-4). I’m sure you can Read more…

God’s Spirit

As we saw in the post about the Existence of God, God is uniquely three simultaneous, co-existing persons in one – the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. Consistent with the character of God, the Holy Spirit is God (Acts 5:3-4), is eternal (Hebrews 9:14), is everywhere Read more…

Spiritual Thirst

We have all had times when we have been thirsty – that feeling when we need a drink, which becomes more pronounced and urgent when we don’t have immediate access to water or another drinkable substance. We salivate, longing for a drink. Our thirst is quenched when we are able Read more…